Saturday, May 12, 2007

Midsummer Night's Dream: Act 4

Scene 1

As the act begins, the audience sees Bottom very content as the fairies wait on his every command. Meanwhile, Oberon fulfills his desire to retrieve the Indian boy, so now Titania can be released from the magic flower's spell. Oberon places the undoing herb onto her eyes and she awakes. Reunited once again, Oberon and Titania dance to the mesmerizing music that lures the four mortals and Bottom to a deep sleep.

Back at the palace, Theseus and Hippolyta are into the final preparations of their wedding, and set out with Egeus to the woods to celebrate May Day. It is also the day Hermia is to make her decision of who she will marry. The party of three stumble upon the four lovers fast asleep and then awaken them. From this part of the scene, it is clear that all is well once again, Lysander loving Hermia and Demetrius now in love with Helena. They seemed to have thought all that happened was just a very realistic dream. Theseus reconsiders Hermia having to marry Demetrius since he now loves Helena. Theseus finally declares that Hermia marry Lysander and Demetrius marry Helena on the same day he is to be wed to Hippolyta. As for Egeus, he is shocked and literally has nothing to say.

Returning back to Bottom, he awakes at last, and decides to write a poem he will recite at the wedding of Theseus and Hippolyta. He too feels all events that occurred were just apart of a dream, a midsummer night's dream.

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